1st International Colloquium in Mine & Society
AT The Higher Institute of Mining and Geology of Boke 20-22 MAY 2022
THEME Mining and Sustainable Development, a major challenge for an Emerging Africa

Background and Rationale

Humanity has always relied on natural resources to improve its living conditions for decades. As the world's population has grown and living standards have risen, the demand for raw materials has increased exponentially over the past 30 years. 

Indeed, mining is crucial to the development of all sectors of our society, from construction to technological innovations in health, agriculture, security, aeronautics, etc. However, there is a need to ensure the overall balance between the benefits and drawbacks, and the management of mining operations. However, there is a need to ensure an overall balance between the benefits and drawbacks and the management of mining operations. In order to achieve this balance, it is essential to carry out responsible resource exploitation, known as Sustainable Development. The main idea of Sustainable Development is that all human activities, including mining, should be carried out in a way that significantly minimizes negative impacts on society and the environment. 

The Republic of Guinea, with its immense mining resources, is one of the countries with a high level of mining activity, notably bauxite, gold, diamonds, iron, etc. This high level of mining activity is also known in several countries in the sub-region, including Côte d'Ivoire (gold, oil and manganese), Niger (uranium, gold and oil) and the Democratic Republic of Congo. This strong mining activity is also known in several countries of the sub-region, including Côte d'Ivoire (gold, oil and manganese), Niger (uranium, gold and oil), Mali (gold), Senegal (phosphate, gold and oil). While mining activities contribute significantly to the improvement of the socio-economic living conditions of the populations, they considerably degrade the environment and societal life. 

This intense mining activity in the different countries of the sub-region requires the involvement of teachers and researchers at the fundamental and applied levels in order to develop methods and techniques of sustainable exploitation that respect the environment and society. It is within this framework that the Institut Supérieur des Mines et Géologie de Boké, through its Centre Emergent Mines et Société, is organising its first colloquium entitled International Colloquium in Mining and Society (ICM), on the theme 

"Mining and Sustainable Development, a major challenge for an Emerging Africa". 

Our Target

The conference is open to teachers, researchers, young researchers, professionals in the field of geosciences, environment, mining law, mining economics, sociology, etc. 


  • Activities:  Dates
  • Submission of abstracts Until:  01/03/2022
  • Notification of acceptance of abstracts:  15/03/2022
  • Deadline for submission of corrected abstracts : 30/03/2022 
  • Registration and return of participation completed:  Until 15/04/2022 
  • Scientific days: 20 to 22/05/2022

Reception and accommodation:

The organising committee will provide coffee and lunch breaks. Dinner and accommodation will be at the expense of the participants. Participants wishing to arrange accommodation can contact the Organising Committee at: colloque2022LRAISMGB@gmail.com 

Local Organising Committee :

  • Dr Ahmed Amara KONATE (Chairman of the Organising Committee) 
  • Marie Constance BEAVOGUI (Technical Secretariat Coordinator) 
  • Dr Oumar Barou KABA  (Scientific Coordinator) 
  • Dr Mohamed Samuel Moriah CONTE (Accommodation Coordinator) 
  • Petoyi Paul MAOMY (Computer and Communication)


This first International Colloquium on Mining and Society (ICMS), on the theme 

The aim of the "Mining and Sustainable Development, a major challenge for an Emerging Africa" conference is to bring together teachers/researchers and professionals from different backgrounds in order to exchange the results of their research work and share their views on the issue of mining and sustainable development. It also aims to define in a collaborative and inclusive way future research perspectives or projects between all actors involved in this field.

Scientific programme

The general programme will include:

  • A plenary conference; 
  • Papers (papers will be presented during the sessions in minutes15 and minutes15 of moderated discussion); 
  • Poster presentations (participants presenting posters must be available at their poster during the exhibition period); 
  • Technical and specialised sessions for industry; 
  • An excursion after the conference. 

Abstract submission procedures


  • Abstracts will be sent by email to the following addresses LRA.ismgb@gmail.com / colloque2022LRAISMGB@gmail.com
  • The deadline for submission of abstracts is 01/03/2022 ;
  • Your abstract will be reviewed by a scientific committee;
  • Final acceptance, after possible modifications, will be notified by 15 March 2022 at the latest;
  • Submitted abstracts are accepted for either oral or poster presentation. The mode of presentation must be indicated at the time of submission.
  • At the end of the oral presentation a certificate will be issued to the author or co-author communicating.

Summary format: 

  • The abstract should be limited to one A4 portrait page;
  • The abstract should be written in English or French (Times New Roman, 11) and the content should be a maximum of 500 words;
  • The title of the abstract should be as concise as possible. It should be in bold, centred 14 points; Co-authors and their affiliations, under the title, should be in italics, 12 points. The name of the main author should be underlined, the name of the presenting author should be marked with a superscript asterisk (*);
  • References in square brackets in the text should be placed at the end of the text;
  • The use of figures and graphs is recommended when it facilitates the understanding of the text. In this case, a 1.5 page summary will be tolerated;
  • The issue addressed in the proposed abstract should be related to the theme of the conference.
  • The summaries will be sent as MS Word files.
  • Format is available on request from the addresses:LRA.ismgb@gmail.com / colloque2022LRAISMGB@gmail.com

Scientific Committee

  • Prof. Kabirou BAH (Centre for Environmental Studies and Research)
  • Dr Diaka SIDIBE (Higher Institute of Mining and Geology of Boké)
  • Dr N'dji dit Jacques DEMBELE (University of Social Sciences and Management of Bamako) 
  • Pr Sékou TRAORE (Gamal Abdel Nasser University of Conakry)
  • Dr Mamady CISSE (Higher Institute of Mining and Geology of Boké)
  • Dr Ndue KANARI (University of Lorraine) 
  • Pr Alpha Issaga Pallé DIALLO (Centre for Environmental Studies and Research)
  • Dr Daouda KEITA (Higher Institute of Mining and Geology of Boké)
  • Dr Facinet CONTE (General Lansana Conté University of Conakry)
  • Prof. Ousman MAHAAMADOU (School of Mines, Industry and Geology of Niger)
  • Dr Mory KOUROUMA (Higher Institute of Mining and Geology of Boké)
  • Dr Lancina SANDOTIN (University of Man) 
  • Prof. Fabrice COLIN (Research and Development Institute / Scientific Advisor of the Sustainable Mining Network)
  • Dr Ahmed Amara KONATE (Higher Institute of Mining and Geology of Boké)
  • Dr Jean Kan KOUAME (Felix Houphouët Boigny University) 
  • Prof. Abdellah BOUSHABA (University Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah Fez)
  • Dr Mohamed Samuel Moriah CONTE (Higher Institute of Mining and Geology of Boké)
  • Dr Claude Kounga MOUSSOUNDA (Baosteel Resources, DRC)
  • Prof. Alphonse YAO (National Polytechnic Institute Houphouët Boigny)
  • Prof. Lev FILIPPOV (University of Lorraine)
  • Mr Mamoudou DIAWARA (National Geological Directorate, MMG) 
  • Prof. Gbele OUATTARA (National Polytechnic Institute Houphouët Boigny)
  • Dr Oumar Barou KABA (Higher Institute of Mining and Geology of Boké)
  • Dr Quentin DEHAINE (GTK Finland) 
  • Dr Oumar KEITA (University of N'Zérékoré)
  • Dr Dasso Yolande TRAORE (University of Technical and Technological Sciences of Bamako)
  • Dr. Sekou Ahmadou CONDE (Russal/Friguia) 
  • Prof. Souley HAROUNA (School of Mines, Industry and Geology of Niger)
  • Dr Thierno Mamadou Pathé DIALLO (University of Kindia)
  • Dr Philippe KISTER (Responsible Mining Alliance)